1.a. Type in … Videotaping the ceremony and reception. Includes up to 10 free copies of the finalized edited video either on DVDs or flash drives or a combination of both.
1.b. Type in the date of the event and also the time and location of the event.
1.c. Type in … the mailing address where you want the DVDs and/or flash drives to be sent. Also type in your email address and your phone number.
1.d. Type in your billing address (if it is the same as 1C put SAME)
1.e. You can choose a date that is one month after the date of the event for the delivery of the DVDs and/or flash drives to you. (I allow up to 4 weeks to get this done and delivered to you but I usually get them sent to my customers between 2 to 3 weeks after the event or even sooner).
2. Type in … 750
Numbers 3 through 10 are self explanatory and you do not need to do anything with them. Just keep a print out for your own records.
Once you accept this agreement it is automatically accepted by me per the following paragraph that is right after number 10.
Upon acceptance of this agreement below, the agreement is accepted in whole by Sam Gold Video; Sam Gold, Owner Tel. 941-356-2559.
Then at the bottom type in …
Your printed name (to electronically sign the video contract).
The date (that you have filled out this contract).
and once again fill in your mailing address and
your telephone number.
CLICK on the SUBMIT button.
The contract will now be automatically emailed to me.
I will then send you an email to advise you that I have received it.
Once you hit the SUBMIT button you will be automatically redirected to a page that will have a symbol on it that says PAY NOW.
You can now pay the $100 down payment by sending me a check, or using any major credit card.
If you want to send me a check then simply “X” out of this page. Make a check payable to Sam Gold Video. Send the check to my home at Sam Gold Video 4323 Pasadena Ct Sarasota, Florida 34233.
If you want to pay the 100 dollar deposit by using any major credit card (or if you have a PayPal account and want to use that to pay this) just CLICK on the PAY NOW symbol.
You will then be directed to the next page which is my PayPal service page. Type in 100 in the box where it says PRICE PER ITEM. Then click on the word CONTINUE.
You will now be taken to a page where it will give you a choice to either pay the 100 dollar down payment by using a PayPal account or to pay with a credit or debit card. If you do have a PayPal account and you want to use it to pay for the down payment simply log in to your PayPal account and follow the directions.
You do not need to have a PayPal account if you want to pay the down payment using a debit or credit card. If that is the way that you want to pay it then CLICK on the box where it says PAY BY DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD and follow the directions. Then CLICK on the PAY NOW button and you are all set.
If you pay using a debit or credit card ONLY PayPal will have your credit card information. Their technology is encrypted and totally secure. PayPal will use the information to pay me and deposit the money directly into my PayPal account. Once I get the money I will send you an email to let you know that I have received it.
If you have any questions let me know.
When the time comes to send out your wedding invitations please send me one of the wedding invitations or scan one to take a picture of it and email it to me at or text it to me at 941-356-2559. I will then be able to put a copy of the invitation into the beginning of the video dubbed in with some very beautiful music. If you want to send one of the invitations to me in the regular mail send it to my home at Sam Gold Video 4323 Pasadena Ct Sarasota, Florida 34233.
Once I get the video contract from you and the $100 down payment then you will be all set for me to videotape your event. Once again the balance due of $650 will not be due until the day of your event. At that time you can pay cash, or a check that is made payable to Sam Gold Video or I can send you an invoice to pay by using any Major Credit Card. Or you can use Zelle or Cash app.